
Consultation split into two parts

The Perrin Technique offers a proactive and thorough diagnostic approach for ME/CFS, FMS, or post-viral conditions like Long-COVID, bypassing the traditional diagnosis by elimination. At The Lytham Osteopaths, our comprehensive consultation is divided into two parts.

Initially, patients complete a series of detailed questionnaires and forms, allowing our osteopaths to gather extensive information. This data, combined with a physical examination, facilitates a diagnosis through The Perrin Technique.

Dr. Perrin has identified specific physical markers that are evaluated using The Perrin Technique diagnostic protocol. This method includes a physical examination to assess the severity of toxicity build-up in the body.

Part 1 - Video Call

When you book a consultation for The Perrin Technique, you will automatically receive a booking confirmation email. This email includes links to 8 simple forms that need to be completed online. These forms will automatically upload to our system, so there’s no need for printing.

The information provided in these forms gives us a comprehensive overview of your health and medical history, including any relevant factors. While there are many questions, you can complete them at your own pace. We ask that all forms be submitted at least 7 days before your appointment, allowing Collette sufficient time to review and process your responses.

During the video call, your osteopath will discuss areas of particular importance to determine any causative and maintaining factors, and if possible, identify a trigger. The consultation is relaxed and non-judgmental, designed to help you begin your journey back to health.

Part 2 - Physical examination

Part 2 involves an in-clinic appointment focused on a thorough physical examination, a hallmark of The Perrin Technique. During this session, Collette will evaluate physical indicators of toxin accumulation in the lymphatic system, inspect breast tissue, assess spinal mechanics, and conduct necessary mechanical and neurological tests.

Given the nature of the examination, you will need to undress to your waist. To ensure your comfort, please wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel for modesty to cover yourself when required.

Collette will integrate the results of your physical examination with the information from your forms and Part 1. Based on The Perrin Technique protocol, she will determine if a diagnosis is warranted. If a diagnosis is made, Collette will discuss your prognosis and provide a personalized treatment plan, addressing any questions you may have.

Bespoke treatment plan & personalised advice

The prognosis provides an estimated duration of treatment, the expected effectiveness, and your recommended initial appointment frequency. Typically, we suggest starting with weekly sessions, with review appointments scheduled every 12-15 weeks. These reviews help us assess your progress, adjust the treatment plan, and decide when to extend the intervals between appointments.

Collette offers a thorough consultation, placing her in an ideal position to advise on various health aspects, including lifestyle changes and practical tips to enhance the benefits of The Perrin Technique and support your recovery. Occasionally, the consultation may uncover issues that require further investigation. In such cases, we can refer you to other healthcare professionals with the necessary expertise.

We will provide a written report of our findings. Some patients prefer to bring a family member or friend to the consultation. A companion can help absorb information, take notes, and ask questions, which can be helpful for patients who might find it overwhelming to process everything on their own.

it is easy to make an appointment - just use our online booking system below or call us on 01253 739 104.


Take the next step in your health journey.