Specialist Golf Clinic

Body-Swing Connection

The Titleist Performance Institute has developed the Body-Swing Connection to better understand how a golfer moves, making it effective in identifying issues which are affecting your game.

The TPI certification enables us to evaluate a golfer for physical limitations that can affect technical aspects of your game like swing efficiency and durability, but also your enjoyment of the game, so you aren’t left with aches and pains.

The assessment is based on aspects and movements of your body and the movements used during your swing. By using this 15-point protocol we can identify any physical limitations holding you back from lowering your handicap, improving your driving distance or just enjoying a round of golf with friends.


Are you looking to improve your handicap or driving distance? Are you finding yourself tiring, or aching towards the end of a round which is affecting your performance and enjoyment? Or are you starting to think twice about a round because you don’t want to feel sore the next day?

As a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Expert, David is able highlight your goals and use the Body-Swing Connection and it’s unique 15-point protocol to identify physical issues which maybe impacting your game. Being a medical professional, David is not just able to highlight the issues using the protocol, but can create a bespoke treatment plan for hands on, manual therapy to effectively ease tension, reduce restrictions and improve strength in the affected areas. Combining TPI’s protocol with David’s expertise as a manual therapist, you receive a tailored approach in helping you to achieve your goals.

Golf + Manual Therapy

As experts in the human body and the musculoskeletal system - bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and their relationships between each other - we can apply the TPI principles to pro-active, hands-on treatment.

Stress and tension within muscles, ligaments and tendons, or a lack of strength as well, can be identified. We can then work appropriately to improve your physical condition, minimise pain and restriction of movement, to ensure you can perform to your best without fear of injury or relapse.


Your TPI medical screening is the most detailed analysis of a golfer’s physical movement:

  1. Book your initial TPI screening session

  2. David will conduct a thorough physical examination. Providing there are no red flags, he will move onto the physical screening, assessing your body’s movements, strength and power when performing golf-specific movements.

  3. David will identify the key areas in need of improvement in your golf swing and details can be relayed to your golf professional. Based on the biomechanical assessment and any physical issues he has identified; he will recommend a treatment plan.

  4. The treatment plan is hands on manual therapy, aiming to improve you physically so you can improve your game. David will outline the plan and walk you through the likely number of appointments for you to benefit from treatment. Every treatment the initial plan is reviewed along with your reaction to treatment and progress.

  5. By the end of your course of treatment we hope you are now primed to achieve your goals on the golf course.


Addressing your pain in the initial appointment is the most logical starting point before assessing your swing. If you are carrying an old, or new, injury it will affect your golf swing and whether you are able to play the full round.

Using hands-on treatment, we can effectively treat your injury, plot your return to full strength and range of movement. Then, using TPI’s screening we can analyse the key physical movements in your swing and highlight any issues without your impacting our analysis.


Lots of players just want to enjoy a round of golf for years to come. Whether it is competitive or spending time amongst friends, it is a social game which, as you get older, is impacted by your physical health.

Using TPI’s assessment, we can identify any physical restrictions which may become a problem for you, whilst also assessing any issues you have now, we can provide effective, hands-on treatment to improve your condition and quality of life, so you can return to the golf course.


TPI’s Body-Swing Connection is the result of 20 years’ worth of player research, analysing the best players in the world and highlighting physical limitations affecting their swing which can lead to poor performance.

Players want to improve their power and distance off the tee and consistency over 18 holes. We analyse and address key physical movements leading to swing faults impacting your performance, and our treatment plans provide effective treatment to reduce physical limitations and boost performance.

Put your health first.