
Our Services

  • Initial Consultation, Assessment & Treatment (45mins)

    Principal - £75

    Associate - £65

    Follow-up Treatment (30mins)

    Principal - £65

    Associate - £60

  • £100 - TPI Golf Swing Assessment (60mins)

    £65 - Golf Swing Follow-up (30mins)

  • £50 - Consultation & Treatment (60mins)

    £45 - Follow-up Treatment (45mins)

  • £50 - Menopause Acupuncture Treatment

Payment & Insurance


We ask for payment in advance of your appointment by bank transfer. Details are sent with your confirmation email.

If you are unable to make payment before your appointment or if you are unable to use bank transfer we accept cash and card in the clinic.


We accept cash plan policies such as Simply Health, Westfield and Medicash. We also accept Aviva and Cigna.

Osteopathy is covered by most health insurance providers, but check your policy to be safe. In some cases you may need a referral from your GP or healthcare specialist.

Put your health first.