Personalised Treatment Plan

The Perrin Techniqueβ„’ is a phased osteopathic approach.

Every patient is unique, with distinct genetics, life experiences, and health conditions. While ME/CFS, FMS, and Long-Covid share common characteristics, the recovery levels with The Perrin Technique can vary widely among patients.

To clarify this, we've divided The Perrin Technique into specific phases. These phases are applicable to all patients, though not everyone will experience every aspect of each phase. This is why a personalized treatment plan is essential for your path to recovery.


Phase 1: Detox

Your personalized treatment plan begins with weekly 30-minute sessions aimed at breaking down and flushing out toxins from the lymphatic system. To ensure continued progress, we recommend incorporating a self-care routine between appointments.

Initially, some patients may experience heightened toxicity levels, which can temporarily worsen their symptoms. However, this is a positive indicator that the treatment is effective and will subside.

To support your recovery, you may need to adjust your daily routine, potentially reducing work and leisure activities. These recommendations are made after a thorough consultation, and we can provide necessary documentation to inform relevant parties about your condition.

We suggest scheduling review appointments approximately every 12-15 weeks to monitor your physical and symptomatic progress. Based on these evaluations, we will determine if you can extend the interval between sessions to every two weeks or longer.

Phase 2: Recovery

In this phase, regular clinic treatments help eliminate accumulated toxins, allowing your body to start regaining its functions. As toxin levels decrease, the strain on the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) lessens, enabling the body to gradually resume natural lymphatic drainage.

Various external factors, such as personal or professional stress, may impact the transition to this phase. Your osteopath will prioritize your best interests and provide tailored advice on the optimal timing for entering this phase.

Upon successful transition, you are likely to experience the benefits of treatment, including increased energy levels. We emphasize the importance of managing expectations and adhering to our advice to avoid the boom-bust cycle, ensuring a steady progression to the next phase.

Phase 3: Rehabilitation

During the rehabilitation phase, treatment frequency can be reduced from fortnightly to every three weeks, then monthly, six weeks, and eventually every three months. As your body continues to improve, treatments may focus more on osteopathic structural work, such as adjustments to your spine and pelvis, to alleviate strains and restrictions.

As appointments become less frequent, patients often notice sustained higher energy levels and fewer symptoms. It's gratifying for us to see patients thrive and resume aspects of their pre-condition lives.

Throughout treatment, some patients shift their priorities, placing their health above career-driven goals. Others, previously housebound due to illness, begin to experience new and enjoyable activities.

We continue to advise patients to pace themselves and moderate their activity levels. Eventually, treatment becomes a maintenance routine rather than a necessity. At this stage, we discuss management plans, strategies to safely increase activity and stamina, and how to approach this new chapter in life.

Phase 4: Maintenance

Many patients achieve full recovery, which is incredibly rewarding. Nonetheless, we recommend periodic maintenance checks and treatments every six months to a year to ensure continued health.

For some, The Perrin Technique alone might not suffice due to various factors, and a multifaceted approach may be necessary. More frequent maintenance treatments can help maintain a good recovery level for these patients.

If patients decide to pause treatment or explore other options, we reassure them that we are always available. Their notes remain on file, and we are here for one-off or maintenance treatments as needed.

Stress can negatively impact these conditions, potentially causing symptom recurrence. We provide guidance on managing stress and may suggest a temporary treatment course as a preventative measure.

Preventative treatments can prevent symptom exacerbation by reducing physical stress and maintaining effective lymphatic drainage. Your osteopath will determine whether a one-off treatment or a short-term course is most appropriate.

We typically recommend ad-hoc but semi-regular appointments to prevent symptom recurrence. However, the choice is ultimately yours, and we are here to support you whenever you need us.

it is easy to make an appointment - just use our online booking system below or call us on 01253 739 104.


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