The Perrin Technique

Forward thinking. Pioneering Approach.


Dr Raymond Perrin


In the late 1980s, Dr. Raymond Perrin, an osteopath specialising in sports injuries, treated a former professional cyclist who also suffered from ME. Over the course of seven months, the patient reported a complete recovery from ME, attributing his improvement to Dr. Perrin's treatment.

Intrigued by this outcome, Dr. Perrin delved into research to understand the underlying reasons for such significant results. This curiosity led him to a career as a neuroscientist, where he became a renowned expert in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and post-viral fatigue syndromes.

Dr. Perrin's extensive research culminated in the development of the Perrin Technique, an osteopathic diagnostic and treatment protocol that has successfully helped thousands of patients since 1989. His dedication to pioneering research has resulted in numerous research papers and clinical trials.

The Perrin Technique

Dr Raymond Perrin - A Chance Discovery

Initially, Dr. Perrin's theories challenged conventional scientific and medical perspectives. However, over time, research from global scientists has validated his innovative approaches. For instance, the concept of the brain's lymphatic drainage system, once dismissed by traditional science, was confirmed in 2017 through human scans, supporting Dr. Perrin's hypothesis from 1989.

Dr. Perrin has established himself as a leading authority on neurolymphatic dispersal through his ground-breaking theories and ongoing research. He continues to advance his studies and share his knowledge by lecturing and teaching The Perrin Technique worldwide.

The success of his trials has been noteworthy, with one scientist remarking that if the Perrin Technique were a drug, it would have met efficacy standards for licensing.

We will keep this page updated with new information. To stay informed and support ongoing research, you can engage with the Fund for Osteopathic Research Into ME (FORME), a charity dedicated to funding research on osteopathic treatments for ME/CFS. To learn more or contribute, click here.


More information on Dr Perrin & his research

I have also recommended the Perrin Technique to friends and family suffering from long-Covid symptoms, very similar to ME/CFS. They have all experienced a dramatic improvement in symptoms in a very short period of time.


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