Menopause Acupuncture

acupuncture has significant benefits for peri/menopausal symptoms

When it comes to research into acupuncture, menopause is one of the most widely researched areas. And, it shows some encouraging long-term improvements in symptoms, such as:

  • A significant reduction in hot flushes in patients – reducing frequency and severity by half (50%) with positive effects lasting for up to six months.

  • Improved menopause-related psychological symptoms (stress, anxiety) and urogenital symptoms (vaginal dryness, urinary urgency and UTIs) as well as an improvement in overall quality of life.

For further information on the research please see:


Acupuncture for menopause

Menopause is a natural process women undertake where they experience 12 consecutive months without a period. Whilst it is a natural process, ladies often experience various symptoms which can become quite debilitating. It is a turbulent time for lots of women, with menopausal transition most often beginning between 45 and 55, and usually lasting about seven years, but can be as long as 14 years.

Many people find acupuncture can help relieve some of their peri/menopausal symptoms, while others simply find it relaxing and beneficial for their mental wellbeing. During this turbulence, acupuncture will be working to restore the normal flow of ‘qi’ and help bring balance to a woman’s body.

Acupuncture treats the individual, rather than a specific condition. This does not mean it is not effective, rather it prompts your body to react to the needle’s interventions, making it a highly personal form of medicine.

Acupuncture aims to balance this energy, alleviate pain, and enhance overall health. Since the menopausal transition is an individual process over a long period of time, tailored treatments like acupuncture can be used as those used in acupuncture may provide significant benefits.

With peri/menopause, each woman's experience is unique. One patient may suffer from severe hot flashes, another from heavy menstrual bleeding and depression, while others might experience a combination of hot and cold symptoms. Some women may have palpitations and insomnia, while others might deal with bouts of anger and headaches. Acupuncture gives these patients the tools to ease all these symptoms, and helps prevent them reoccurring.


The acupuncturist inserts the needles into the skin at precise acupoints. The depth of insertion can vary, ranging from a few millimetres to several centimetres, depending on the specific area and desired therapeutic effect.


After insertion, the needles may be gently twirled, moved up and down, this done and monitored by your acupuncturist throughout the treatment to enhance the treatment's effectiveness.


Typically, the needles are left in place for 15 to 30 minutes while the patient relaxes, allowing the treatment to take full effect. Once completed, the acupuncturist will safely dispose of the needles.

HRT Alternative

Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to HRT for people who are unable to take HRT due for medical reasons or they choose not to. We see fantastic results, helping them manage hot flushes, palpitations and insomnia which are prevalent symptoms in these women. If you are taking HRT acupuncture can still used, we may need to tailor treatment more specifically.


Menopause Acupuncture Treatment

Your acupuncturist will consider any other existing or underlying health issues you may have, such as gynaecological problems, hypothyroidism, chronic pain, or autoimmune conditions. Acupuncture effectively addresses multiple health concerns simultaneously, providing a comprehensive picture of your current symptoms. Your practitioner will also advise you on diet and lifestyle, as these factors significantly impact the success of the treatment.

A series of acupuncture treatments will be recommended, and depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can expect to see improvement within six to eight sessions. Acupuncture is a preventive form of medicine, so the aim is to gradually reduce the frequency of visits to every three to four weeks once you feel stable and satisfied. If symptoms resurface for any reason, we then increase the frequency of treatments again.

Put your health first.